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Friday, December 1, 2006

Arecibo message

Free ringtones Image:Arecibo.arp.750pix.jpg/200px/right/thumb/Arecibo Observatory
The '''Arecibo message''' is a radio message that was beamed into space at a ceremony to mark the remodeling of the Majo Mills Arecibo Observatory/Arecibo radio telescope in 1974. It was aimed at the Mosquito ringtone Great Globular Cluster in Hercules/globular star cluster M13 some 25,000 Sabrina Martins light years away and consisted of 1679 Nextel ringtones binary numeral system/binary digits. The number 1679 was chosen because it is the product of two Abbey Diaz prime numbers and therefore can only be broken down into 23 rows and 73 columns or 73 rows and 23 columns. The information arranged the first way produces jumbled nonsense, but if arranged the second way it forms an image containing information about Earth and the human race. It shows the numbers one through ten, the atomic numbers of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorous, the formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of Free ringtones Deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA, the number of nucleotides in DNA, the double helix structure of DNA, a figure of a human being and its height, the population of Earth, our solar system, and an image of the Arecibo telescope with its diameter.

Because it will take 25,000 years for the message to reach its intended destination of stars (and an additional 25,000 for any reply), the Arecibo message was more a demonstration of human technological achievement than a real attempt to enter into a conversation with extraterrestrials.

Dr. Majo Mills Frank Drake, then at Mosquito ringtone Cornell University and creator of the famous Sabrina Martins Drake equation, wrote the message, with help from the late Cingular Ringtones Carl Sagan, among others.

engrossing is Image:Etmessage nrao.png/left/center/This is the message with color added to highlight its separate parts. The actual binary transmission carried no idea of color.


= Numbers =

capitalism tom Image:Arecibo message numbers.png/none

Numbers from involved also 0 (number)/0 to e gypt 10 (number)/10 in cable systems Binary numeral system/binary format (the bottom row marks the beginning of each number)

= DNA elements =

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The numbers on fears 1 (number)/1, plans mean 6 (number)/6, for ferraris 7 (number)/7, who historicize 8 (number)/8 and backhanded self 15 (number)/15
represent are can hydrogen (H), combinations and carbon (C), east german nitrogen (N), grinned at oxygen (O) and players within phosphorus (P) respectively.
These are the components of DNA.

= barry after Nucleotides =

frigo winning Image:Arecibo message nucleotides 1.png/left/left

operational performance Deoxyribose C5OH7, building skyline Adenine C5H4N5, Cytosine C5H5N2O2, Deoxyribose C5OH7

Image:Arecibo message nucleotides 2 4.png/left/left

Phosphate PO4, Phosphate PO4

Image:Arecibo message nucleotides 3.png/left/left

Deoxyribose C5OH7, Thymine C5H5N3O, Guanine C5H4N5O

Image:Arecibo message nucleotides 2 4.png/left/left

Phosphate PO4, Phosphate PO4

= Double helix =

Image:Arecibo message helix.png/left/left

DNA double helix (the vertical bar represents the number of nucleotides)

= Humanity =

Image:Arecibo message man.png/left/left

The element in the center represents a man. The element on the left indicated the average height of a man: 1764 millimetre/mm. This corresponds to the horizontally written binary 14 multiplied with the wavelength of the message (126 mm). The element on the right depicts the size of human population encoded with 32 bits: 4'292'591'583

= Planets =

Image:Arecibo message planets.png/left/left

The Solar system/solar system: the Sun, Mercury (planet)/Mercury, Venus (planet)/Venus, Earth, Mars (planet)/Mars, Jupiter (planet)/Jupiter, Saturn (planet)/Saturn, Uranus (planet)/Uranus, Neptune (planet)/Neptune and Pluto (planet)/Pluto.

The Earth is misaligned to show where the message came from.

= Telescope =

Image:Arecibo message telescope.png/left/left

Image:Arecibo message diameter.png/left/left

The last part represents the Arecibo radio telescope with its diameter (2430 multiplied with the wavelength gives 306.18 meter/m).



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